Monday, August 5, 2013

Ted Yoho is the Small Mind of the Day

The other day, Representative Ted Yoho (Republican, Florida) brought up an Affordable Healthcare provision that allegedly imposes a 10% tax on tanning bed use. Yoho maintained that this is a “racist tax” that discriminates “because of the color of my skin.”

Over here is Yoho’s account (with audio), during which he’s chatting with John Boehner:

[Boehner] goes, “I didn’t know [the tax] was in there,” and I said, “Yes, it’s a ten percent tax.” He goes, “Well, that’s not that big of a deal.” I said, “It’s a racist tax.” He goes, “You know what, it is.” I had an Indian doctor in our office the other day, very dark skin, with two non-dark skin people, and I asked this to him, I said, “Have you ever been to a tanning booth?” and he goes, “No, no need.” So therefore it’s a racist tax and I thought I might need to get to a sun tanning booth so I can come out and say I’ve been disenfranchised because I got taxed because of the color of my skin.”
BTW, you may be wondering just how white Ted is. Oh, he's just sort of white.
Hmm. I guess he's actually fairly white.
Oh, who am I kidding? Ted Yoho's whiter than a motherfucker.

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