Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Small-Minded Hall of Shame: Louie Gohmert and his patriotic asparagus

Representative Louie Gohmert (Republican, Texas) is the gift that keeps on giving. My favorite Gohmert moment this year was his exchange with Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in which the integrity of his asparagus was called into question.


What got Gohmert so fired up? Here is Holder's statement, from just before this clip begins:
"You don't know what the FBI did. You don't know what the FBI's interaction was with the Russians. You don't know what questions were put to the Russians, whether those questions were responded to. You simply do not know that. And you have characterized the FBI as being not thorough, or taken exception to my characterization of them as being thorough. I know what the FBI did. You cannot know what I know. That is all."

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