Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Science proves it: BMW drivers are the worst!

Like you, I've long heard stories about how BMW drivers in the U.S. tend to be jerks. But since the evidence was all anecdotal, I tended to dismiss it.

But then today came news of a study that shows that luxury car drivers, especially of BMWs, ARE jerks. And I'm not just extrapolating from the data. Researcher Paul K. Piff actually said, "BMW drivers were the worst."

Why did they regularly threaten pedestrians and fail to take turns at intersections? Do only asshats buy these cars? Bill Appledorf theorizes: "People in the eyes of rich people fall into two categories: competitors to impress or become richer than, and nonentities whose function, if they don't just get in the way or threaten rich people's wealth, is to make rich people richer."

Mr. Appledorf is probably onto something; after all, science also shows that powerful people lack empathy!

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