Monday, August 12, 2013

Matt Gaetz is the Small Mind of the Day

The gentleman's mugshot.
The Florida legislature has put together a House subcommittee hearing to discuss the state’s “Stand your ground” law.

Great! The leader of the House is State Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican). And Gaetz has even promised a “fair debate” on the issue. But what’s his take?
 “[I do not want to change] one damn comma of Stand Your Ground.”
Oh, come on, Gaetz! Not even for “Stand, Your Ground”?

But seriously, what merits his dishonor as Small Mind of the Day is Gaetz's take on the SYG protesters in the Florida Capitol.
“I think you have protesters in the Capitol today who are protesting without a whole lot of knowledge about the fact patterns associated with Stand Your Ground. They are protesting for the sake of protesting, and we shouldn’t capitulate to that.”

Yes, if only the professional protesters knew more about “fact patterns” they’d be all in favor of more gunslinging. Because, you know—fact patterns.

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