Some Fair-Minded Thoughts on the GOP

I've paid careful attention to current events since childhood, and it seemed as if every positive step the human race took was opposed by bastards. And every victory was achieved despite the bastards. At first, I wasn't sure who the bastards were, but they revealed themselves over time as Republicans.

Not to overstate the case, but in the modern era, the Republican party has been wrong about everything—large and small—from environmentalism to equal rights for women to the Iraqi war. 

I've seen that deep down, GOP politicians share an instinct for the lowest, most mean-spirited, hypocritical, spiteful and philistine elements of the United States. They reinvented dirty campaigning and politics in the 1990s, and they are going to ride the coattails of any billionaire without a conscience for as long as possible.

They are bad.

Of course, this is not to say that vile pinheads are the exclusive province of the GOP.

It just seems that way.

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