Thursday, August 8, 2013

Bert Stedman is the Small Mind of the Day

This is a sea otter.

Sea otters are indisputably cute. They are also an endangered species.

But that didn't stop Alaska state senator Bert Stedman (Republican) from introduced legislation that would have Alaska pay $100 for each sea otter lawfully killed under the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act.

Let me let that sink in for a moment. Otters are federally protected—so Stedman says, "We'll pay a $100 fine if you let us kill them anyway." Why kill otters? Because they eat shellfish and ONLY ALASKAN FISHERMEN should be able to harvest those.

Fisherman Ladd Norheim also gets honorable mention here. He said:
“If a crab stock gets low or something or ... any fishery, they shut us off or close us down to protect a crab or a fish. Yet when a sea otter comes in and absolutely decimates an area, they don’t do anything about it. They just say, ‘Oh, they’re warm and fuzzy and cute.’ Well, I’m pretty warm and fuzzy and cute, too, but I don’t totally wipe anything out. I mean, crab have rights. Clams have rights. Where do sea otters come out being so holy?”
Three Things:
1.) I think he's confusing "endangered" with "holy."

2.) That's Ladd to the right. You can be the judge of his claim to being "warm and fuzzy and cute."

3.) But I'm glad to hear that Ladd's worried about the rights of clams and crabs. So maybe it's time to get a job for him to get a job where he isn't yanking them out of their habitats to kill them?

But this isn't likely for any person who makes a living by "extracting" from the natural environment. As Upton Sinclair wrote, “It is impossible to make a man understand something if his livelihood depends on not understanding it.” 

Reader comments after the break!

NOTE: This blog had a previous incarnation—and this post generated these comments:

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