Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hall of Shame: Earl Landgrebe

“Don’t confuse me with the facts.  I’ve got a closed mind.”  

That was Representative Earl Landgrebe (Republican, Indiana). A Nixon supporter, Landgrebe was referring to the Watergate hearings. 

Astoundingly, he made yet another legendary statement. Explaining why he voted against giving money to cancer research, Landgrebe said:

Discovering a cure for cancer will only change which way you’re going to [die].”

"50 Years After March On Washington, Some See Rap Music As A Problem"

Oh, Fox News! *shakes head fondly*

I think I've discovered the marketing angle that Fox News employs: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones we'll concentrate on."

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tom Coburn is the Small Mind of the Day

"I am a global warming denier. I don't deny that."

—Senator Tom Coburn (Republican, Oklahoma)
(He thinks we're headed for an Ice Age. Really.)

Thinking about science? You're a better person for it!

Funny. I always thought that science could be perceived as a moral pursuit. Or to put it another way, what's so funny about truth, impartiality and logic? And now here comes a study via Scientific American to bolster that belief:
The researchers found consistent results. Simply being primed with science-related thoughts increased: 
a) adherence to moral norms 
b) real-life future altruistic intentions 
c) altruistic behavior towards an anonymous other. 
The conceptual association between science and morality appears strong.

Monday, August 26, 2013

“Hurricane Marco Rubio threatens everything in its path…”

Since 1954, the World Meteorological Organization has named hurricanes. Now 350 Action has a new naming system: "One that names extreme storms caused by climate change, after the policy makers who deny climate change and obstruct climate policy." (Petition here.)

Here’s their fake weather reports on the fictitious lawmaker-named storms:
  • “If you value your life, please seek shelter from Michelle Bachmann.”
  • “David Vitter is literally lifting boats out of the water and tossing them onto land.”
  • “Thousands of animals have been displaced or killed by Governor Rick Perry.”