Friday, November 29, 2013

Hoist by one's own petard of "logic"

This widely-retold story is so classic, it's probably spurious. Nonetheless, it’s a good example of quod erat demonstrandum (QED) logic:
 A Republican state convention delegate speaks with a Utah GOP elected officeholder about immigration. The delegate argues that a fence should be constructed to span the entire USA-Mexican border to keep out illegal immigrants.
 GOP OFFICIAL: What happens when they climb the fence?
 DELEGATE: You electrify it. Then they won't touch it.
 GOP OFFICIAL: But what if they touch it? You would let them die?
 DELEGATE: It would be their choice.
 GOP OFFICIAL: What about a mother with a baby strapped to her back? You would let the mother and the baby die?
 DELEGATE: It would be the mother's choice to kill that baby.
 GOP OFFICIAL: Then you're in favor of abortion?

This Thanksgiving season I'm grateful for...

Ah, fuck it. (Via.)

I still can't believe this happened.

Yes, the infamous Sarah Palin turkey pardon. Oy.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just a reminder

This George W. Bush is not real—it was Photoshopped.
But the first time you saw it, you believed, right?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Ted Cruz is the Hypocrite of the Day

"[The new filibuster rule] will poison the atmosphere of the Senate."
 —Senator Ted Cruz (Republican, Texas)

What does an IRS official say about the tax return from Karl Rove’s dark money group, Crossroads GPS?

That’s called bullshit with a serving of horseshit on the side.”

Oof. (Looks like Rove and his cohorts are liars!)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

John Cornyn's tweets reveal him to be a torpid idiot.

In response to recent fruitful negotiations between the U.S., our allies, and Iran, Senator John Cornyn (Republican, Texas) has this to say:
Now let's ignore for the moment that if Barack Obama cured cancer and could fly, Cornyn would STILL say the exact same thing.

No, what's incredible about this tweet is its indolence. A tweet can be 140 characters long...but John Cornyn could only manage a meager 48?!

Senator Cornyn could easily have simply written a complete sentence: "It's amazing what the White House will do to distract attention from Obamacare." And that's STILL only 79 characters! What a listless loafer. (No wonder Ted Cruz won't endorse him!)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Here's a question Republicans should ask themselves every day

"Are we the baddies?"

Call me wonky, but I like to read scientific studies.

Here's one about links between the Tea Party and anal eroticism. Fascinating!

From the US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health, W.W. Tilden wrote "The psychohistorical roots of the American 'Tea Party' Movement." And what an abstract!

“Extreme resistance to governmental taxation and authority is derived, according to Freud’s theory of anal characterology, from premature and harshly coercive toilet training, in which a child is forced unfairly and against its will to surrender the products of his eliminations (which represent money, among other things, in the unconscious) to parental authority. Among these individuals anal eroticism plays a significant role in the psychogenesis of paranoia and conspiracy theorizing, which may represent a defense mechanism erected against repressed fears of passive submission.”

Friday, November 22, 2013

Are all Republican politicians gun-toting, coke-snorting, beer-bonging frat dudes?

I didn't say anything about Texas State Rep. Drew Darby (R) "facing a felony charge after he attempted to take a weapon through" security at an airport.

And I managed to hold off on running with the story about Tea Party fave and "hip hop conservative" Trey Radel (representative from Florida) getting busted with cocaine at the airport. Jon Stewart did a nice piece on him—see below.)

But THIS is too much:
That's a guy from Minnesota named Stewart Mills. He is married, but the woman in the photo isn't his wife. Stewart is (was?) a Republican congressional candidate. Asked about his good judgment, he went into classic GOP evasive maneuvers:
"It's no secret that in the past I've let my hair down to have fun with family and friends. My wife and I have had many lighthearted moments in our lives but right now I am focused on my Congressional campaign and the disastrous effects of our overreaching government and sky high unemployment in the north eastern Minnesota."
Now pick this up at 2:34.