Saturday, November 23, 2013

Call me wonky, but I like to read scientific studies.

Here's one about links between the Tea Party and anal eroticism. Fascinating!

From the US National Library of MedicineNational Institutes of Health, W.W. Tilden wrote "The psychohistorical roots of the American 'Tea Party' Movement." And what an abstract!

“Extreme resistance to governmental taxation and authority is derived, according to Freud’s theory of anal characterology, from premature and harshly coercive toilet training, in which a child is forced unfairly and against its will to surrender the products of his eliminations (which represent money, among other things, in the unconscious) to parental authority. Among these individuals anal eroticism plays a significant role in the psychogenesis of paranoia and conspiracy theorizing, which may represent a defense mechanism erected against repressed fears of passive submission.”

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