Friday, November 22, 2013

This is a fictionalized version of how Republicans typify Obamacare.

And THIS is the actual version.

I was reminded of this propaganda/idiocy while reading the New York Times investigation "G.O.P. Maps Out Waves of Attacks Over Health Law."

The gist? Republicans will mount anecdotal evidence and fictional numbers attacking Obamacare. Then when the opposition refutes the G.O.P., they simply pivot to a different wave of attacks. Here's a sample:

Republicans have gone to the floor of the House and the Senate to tell constituent stories of soaring premiums or yawning new deductibles. But on Wednesday, the White House Council of Economic Advisers released a report showing that health care spending had grown by 1.3 percent since 2010, the year the health care law passed. That is the lowest rate on record for any three-year period and less than a third of the average since 1965, according to the White House.
In short, those are some lying motherfuckers.

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