Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yoholand: An Alternate Universe Where Imbecility Leads to Stability

Remember when Representative Ted Yoho (Republican, Florida) compared the Tea Party efforts to defund Obamacare to the Civil Rights Movement?

It only takes one with passion — look at Rosa Parks, Lech Walesa, Martin Luther King. People with passion that speak up, they’ll have people follow them because they believe the same way, and smart leadership listens to that.”
Yoho followed that up with this doozy about failure to raise the debt ceiling:
“I think, personally, it would bring stability to the world markets."
That quote earned this headline from Business Insider: "Tea Party Congressman Wins An Award For The Stupidest Thing Said About The Debt Ceiling". But anyway, today comes news that Yoho has made it into the Urban Dictionary!
Yoholand: An alternate universe where the largest economy in the world defaults and global markets are [surprise!] stabilized."

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