Wednesday, October 9, 2013

George Will is the Small Mind of the Day

Over at NPR, George Will unveiled this mind-blowing comparison regarding Obamacare:
"How does this [the shutdown] short circuit the system? I mean, I hear 
Democrats say, 'the Affordable Care Act is the law' as though we're 
supposed to genuflect at that sunburst of insight and move on. Well, the
 Fugitive Slave Act was the law, Separate but Equal was the law...
lots of things are the law, and then we change them. And this is a part 
of the bruising, untidy, utterly democratic technique for changing 
Trotting out the Fugitive Slave Act as a comparison point with Obamacare? I guess I'm going to have to bring up the time George Will used his column to make fun of the idea of a nuclear plant disaster. It contained this priceless quote:
Nuclear plants, like color TV sets, give off minute amounts of radiation.”
And ONE DAY after his column was printed, a nuclear plant in Pennyslvania broke down and leaked 250,000 gallons of radioactive waste.

You may remember it as the Three Mile Island disaster. You know, that time that thousands of people were evacuated from their homes? The worst nuclear disaster in US history?

Conclusion: George Will is a bow-tied, know-it-all wanker.

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