Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jerome Corsi redefines logic

Tea Party activist Jerome Corsi is a Tea Party activist. He’s also active on right-wing sites like World Net Daily. And lucky us, he came to Oregon!

While here, Corsi insisted that atheists want to legalize same-sex marriage so that the government could crack down on Christians. Because, logic.
“Our founding fathers knew that if we went this direction, there was no more moral compass and you won’t be able to explain to your children — you’ll have to face the fact that we lost holding the line on one of the most principle issues in the Bible, and that is sex is not about fun. If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”
How can these atheists be stopped? Corsi’s solution is to “shut the government down.” Because, logic!

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