Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mark Takano is the Big Mind of the Day

Representative Mark Takano (Democrat, California) used to teach high school. So when he was subjected to the dull-witted and poorly written speech that Rep. Bill Cassidy (Republican, Louisiana) cobbled together, Takano took ACTION!

More specifically, he got out his red pen and got all grammatical on Cassidy.

The Louisiana pol did not take these rewriting suggestions to heart, though. Dude's got no sense of humor or self-improvement. Instead, Cassidy's spokesperson released this statement:
"This embodies everything that is wrong with Washington — rank partisanship and pettiness while posturing oneself as above the fray and superior."
You know what, Representative Cassidy? Washington’s problem isn’t “people who think they’re superior.” It’s “dullards.” Look it up.

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