Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Andy Sanborn and the Art of the Non-Apology

In New Hampshire, State Sen. Andy Sanborn is thinking about running for governor. And while making the media rounds, Sanborn went on a radio show and weighed in about Obamacare. (Surprise: He doesn’t like it.)

Sandborn said the new law “is barreling down on us like a jet landing into San Francisco. It [laughter] should make people really concerned.”

Classy! When asked about this after the program, Sanborn claimed he didn’t remember the remark. After it was played back for him, Sanford ‘fessed up and apologized. And here’s where he uttered that now-classic line:

“If I offended anyone I am sorry.”

Not “I’m sorry.” Not “I apologize.” But the non-apology apology of “If I hurt your feelings, then I’m sorry.” This implies that the statement itself is not regrettable, only the unfortunate response of the listener.

Like “Dude, I'm sorry you're such a wuss.” 

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