Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Even-toed ungulates prove the Bible is mere fantasy!

The ancient Jews didn't have or use camels. Yet they're mentioned in the Bible constantly! What gives? The New York Times piece "Camels Had No Place in Genesis" explains:
These anachronisms are telling evidence that the Bible was written long after the events it narrates and is not always reliable as verifiable history. These camel stories “do not encapsulate memories from the second millennium,” said Noam Mizrahi, an Israeli biblical scholar, “but should be viewed as back-projections from a much later period.” 
Dr. Mizrahi likened the practice to a historical account of medieval events that veers off to a description of “how people in the Middle Ages used semitrailers in order to transport goods from one European kingdom to another.” 

What now? Will Christianity be discarded to the scrap heap? After all, as David Haskell asks, "To whom shall we turn for moral guidance now that the cud-chewing, even-toed ungulates have been unmasked as dissemblers?"

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