Friday, December 6, 2013

Hall of Shame: Tom DeLay

"This bill reminds me of legislation that ought to be introduced to outlaw automobiles" on the grounds that cars kill people."

That was Representative Tom DeLay, (Republican, Texas), arguing against a bill he didn't like. What makes this priceless isn't the logical fallacy (though that is rich). It's the fact that DeLay opposed the EPA effort to ban a cancer-causing chemical called "chlordane."

But did DeLay take this stand because he's naturally a bad person? Well, yes and no. Yes, as a liar, cheat, and money-launderer, he's a bad person...but DeLay was also the only member of Congress to own an exterminating business, and IT used chlordane. LOTS of chlordane! (Source: Associated Press, June 25th, 1987.)

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