Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Celebrated author Sarah Palin has a new book out!

Palin's book is subtitled Protecting the Heart of Christmas. It's hardly worth poking fun at, but here’s a few pullout quotes:
— “Atheism’s track record makes the Spanish Inquisition seem like Disneyland by comparison.” [pg. 47] 
— “It had become the hip thing that year across America to force anyone and everyone to abort Christ from Christmas.” [43] 
— “I obviously understand college is a place to expand your mind, to grow, to challenge preconceived ideas. However, who is challenging the students’ liberal ideas, if all the Christians and conservatives have been marginalized?” [169] 
— “Well, ten second sound bites in television interviews are a ridiculous, inefficient way to make a point—especially when you’re being interviewed by buffoons on the air who won’t let you complete your thought.” [pg. 31]

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