Saturday, February 14, 2015

Where do the GOP presidential nominees stand on evolution?

Jeb Bush: It should not be taught in schools. Former Gov. Mike Huckabee: Doesn’t buy it.
Ted Cruz: Won’t talk about it.
Chris Christie: “None of your business.”
Scott Walker: “I’m going to punt on that one . . . I love the evolution of trade in Wisconsin.”
Regarding that last one, Walker said that in London where his interviewer, Justin Webb of the BBC, said: “Any British politician, right or left wing, would laugh and say, ‘Yes, of course evolution is true.’”

Sister Ilia Delio (Georgetown) explains why the American religious right and the politicians who pander to them are so uniquely idiotic: “A lot of people just don’t know science. They don’t even know basic science. They don’t read anything from science, not even popular science magazines . . . it’s a half-brained understanding of things.”

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