Saturday, January 17, 2015

Done. Done. Done.

In October, Ann Romney was asked if Mitt’s plans for running for office were over. Her answer:

"Done. Completely. Not only Mitt and I are done, but the kids are done."

But not so fast. Looks like there might be some support for a third Romney bid for president after all!

I didn’t want to have a knee-jerk reaction to this, so I read today’s New York Times piece on Ann Romney’s possible change of heart. It includes this gem:
Mrs. Romney, herself a competitor who ran for local office in her 20s and has excelled on tennis courts and dressage arenas . . .

Let's see, dressage (a.k.a. “horse ballet”) is an elite sport in which horses costing up to seven figures perform dance moves for riders decked out in top hats and tails. It's the sport of the very richest among us.

Oh, retch.

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