Monday, January 20, 2014

If there were a Hell, it'd have a special place for Oregon's GOP

Oregon's GOP really is a piece of work. Take its latest "gun raffle" idea. The GOP recently announced a dinner to honor Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln. And said party will award an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to the lucky gun raffle winner.

Er, but weren’t Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln both killed by assassins using guns? Yes, they were, huh? Anne Marie Gurney, the GOP party's vice-chair, explains: 
"Every time we do this we get asked if we are trying to be provocative, and honestly we are not."
According to the Oregonian, Gurney “said it didn't even occur to the county party leaders that King and Lincoln had been killed by guns.  It's simply the time of year that the legacy of the two leaders is celebrated, she added.”

So we have two possibilities: either the GOP leaders are morons or lying morons.

But after a heap of negative attention, the gun raffle was called off! Now here’s my favorite part—get a load of the GOP’s “apology” for this boondoggle:
In our enthusiasm for celebrating Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln and the U.S. Constitution, our Multnomah Republican Party issued a press release that was unfortunately easily misunderstood. The GOP stands for individual liberty, lower taxes, smaller government and individual responsibility. We apologize if people were hurt by the message being marred by insufficient wording and/or cynical misinterpretations by those who disagree with us politically.

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